
Saturday, July 31, 2010

suprise birthday^^

thx da ge yik ming ah cheng o bao darling honey hui jin ah bao(honey bf) a hui yi ling jia wen siao ying kah shun
thx uu alll give me aa suprise birthday yya
reli suprise
be thankful ya...
kah shun i will ji zhu uuuuu
me shirt
but nvm la
hapi then gud lor
after tis want go genting lo
enjoy llaa

now time just 4 dodo
dodo uuu rrr not alone
maybe some some times we very hurt uu
n every day shoot u u very unhappy but i want told u
we just joke
we dun noe uuu unhapi
reli sry yyaa
be happy
u must every day smile
i love our frendship
love somuch
n i will be thankful

i love u
i love caiyee
cant 4 got we oso love u!!!!
dun think so much
i love u n caiyee

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